We sell only original items shipped from Japan
Propolis Candy (80 seeds) x 6 bags
Propolis Concentrated Capsule "Propover"
Propolis Candy Orange Flavor, High Concentration with Propolis Blend, 30 Tablets, 1 Bag x 30 Bags, Propolis Candy, Made in Brazil
Propolis A 0.05 oz (1.5 g) x 60 H
Propolis "Proponal Gold Extra"
Neopropolis 50 (1 box of 150 capsules)
Natural Superbee Propolis (Value for You)
Natural Health Company Propolis Exfoliating Grains, 4.1 oz (115 g) (250 mg x 460 tablets), 4 Bottles
Natsukosha ProPolice Exfoliating Grains, Economical Use, 10.6 oz (300 g) (250 mg x 1,200 tablets), Aluminum Bag with Zipper
Morikawa Propolis Tablets, 600 Tablets
Morikawa Kenkodo Propolis + Ita Indigo Root 360 grains
Morikawa Kendo, Propolis Liquid, 2.0 fl oz (60 ml)
Morikawa Jukudo Propolis Liquid 3.4 fl oz (100 ml) 3 Bottles
Morikawa Health Hodo Neopropolis Grain 360 Tablets
Kureru Alpha Propolis Undiluted Liquid 0.5 fl oz (15 ml), 1 Pack, Mild High Purity, Made in Brazil, Easy to Drink
Kobata General Research Institute Propolis Amber Gold 3.4 fl oz (100 ml)
Kobata General Research Institute Propolis Amber Excellent, 3.4 fl oz (100 ml)
Kihoju 30 Propolis Japanese Dow (Yaku Nihondo)
King of Propolis 60 Tablets
Health Support Team Propolis Grain Value 12 Month Supply 12 Bags 1080 Tablets Vitamin E Plus
HACCI Propolis Capsules
H+B Life Science Prophera Liquid 2.0 fl oz (60 ml) x 2 p
Green Propolis Soft Capsules, 120 Count
Green Capsules Propolis, 6.6 oz (200 mg) / 90 Capsules, 4 Times Concentrated Propolis Extract
Flower Propolis 1.0 fl oz (30 ml)
Fine Propolis 150 tablets (3 pieces)
Exquisite Propolis Grain (1000 Capsules)
Estaponto 30ml x 3 bottles
ECC Brazilian Green Propolis Extract Liquid 30ml (Paper Box) (3)
Bione Propolis Amber Gold 1.0 fl oz (30 ml)
Bioflavone Medec 10 tablets x 6 sheets
Bees from aged Propolis Grain 150 Grain