Retino Time Beauty Clear Cotton 80 Sheets
● High-quality cotton that delivers moisture to the deepest part of the stratum corneum while wiping off unnecessary keratin that causes dullness. ● Large size that allows you to wipe the entire face firmly with one sheet. ● Although it is soft and soft, it does not fluff easily and is suitable for putting and other care. It delivers the effect of lotion to the deepest part of the stratum corneum. ● Made with only selected natural fibers, it is gentle on the skin.
Ingredients / Amount / Usage Ingredients / Amount [Material] Cotton, silk Usage and dosage [Usage] ● Soak cotton with lotion (500 yen coin). ● Use cotton to gently wipe it off, and then put it on. Dosage Form / Shape Cotton
Ingredients / Amount / Usage Ingredients / Amount [Material] Cotton, silk Usage and dosage [Usage] ● Soak cotton with lotion (500 yen coin). ● Use cotton to gently wipe it off, and then put it on. Dosage Form / Shape Cotton